Friday, October 07, 2005

My First Cricket Match

My first cricket match is tomorrow, and I'm a little nervous about how the game will go. There are a number of issues, including:

  1. I don't know the rules.

  2. I don't have any equipment (although I have been assured that it will be provided.)

  3. I have to wear all white. The last and only time I have ever worn all white was at my wedding. Me and my somewhat see-through white sweatpants are not friends.

  4. I've never seen an entire cricket match. Granted, 5-day test matches take FIVE DAYS, but I haven't sat through a one-day match either. Tomorrow will be a first.

  5. Did I mention I don't know the rules?

My only hope is that our side gets to bat first so I can check out the fielding positions of the other team, so that I'll be able to glean some information about where I'm supposed to stand before I'm expected to do anything.

The highlights: I get to wear a cool hat. It's just a baseball cap, but it has a cool logo for our club on it. And, I hopefully get to bat.

If you'd like to help, check out the rules posted by some dude at Purdue, and let me know what you think they say.

Please don't let me get out for a duck.