Monday, October 30, 2006

The Dawn of Man

The Dawn of Man

Daylight savings is in effect as of yesterday, making for some extremely pretty morning sun rises down by the bus stop. I'm hoping that with the extra hour of sunshine after work, there will be increased motivation to get up and about before putting the PJs on.

Peggy is still away, leaving me to my lonesome. My college roommate, Juel, is arriving tomorrow morning for a week of crazed tourist action. We're doing a Halloween harbour cruise tonight. Opera house / Zoo tour tomorrow with a bridge climb that evening. Wine tasting on Friday and up the coast for the weekend on Sat. + Sun. Should be a blur.

Waverley baseball is in an increasing state of disarray. We're finding new and inventive ways of losing. I'm bordering on giving up team sports, and all physical activity for that matter, entirely. Just too frustrating.