Thursday, July 27, 2006

Same as it Ever Was

Same as it Ever Was

Another week lapse between blogs. Will try to pick up the pace now that I'm in a familiar place, waiting for trains and buses at all hours of the night. But hey, much to talk about!

We just might be ditching the automobile for a newer, more cheaper, more functional version. Peggy's co-worker is selling their beat-up Honda, which would certainly best our beat-down Holden. I've got a new laptop, one of those new fancy schmancy, arsty fartsy Macintoshes. I can't tell you what a difference it makes, it is more important than the car in my day-to-day operations.

Class last night was the first Wednesday of my new semester. 23 students is a much more realistic of a group than the 50 I had last semester. I forgot how relieving Thursdays were.

Also, my thesis survey site is up and running, if you haven't already filled it out, the URL is:

That's about it from a damp, moderately cold and simple town of Sydney. Will get the laptop all rigged so that every brain fart is immediate public knowledge through the blog.