Monday, October 16, 2006

Mood Swings

Mood Swings

Strange weekend. Saturday saw record heat, breaking 100 degrees in most areas, cooled off by a pleasant sea breeze in our neck of the woods. I had some friends over for a beach BBQ and some sand lounging activities. An ideal early summer day.

Sunday, however was another story. The temperature dropped 35 degrees with a cold front moving in and showering the area with rain. I was fortunate enough to spend 5 hours at the park setting up and helping run our baseball game. It was one of the ugliest games I have ever been a part of: no ump, horrible field, bad baseball, tempers flaring. There was some pushing and shoving that happened, thanks to yours truly, but cooler heads prevailed in the end. Wasn't in a very good mood, given the A's had been eliminated a few hours earlier.

Monday is the start of the work week for us, trying to earn a dime or two before we head back in Feb / March.