Sunday, September 03, 2006

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Happy Labour Day all you state-siders! We hope your extended 3-day is
a restful one.

We transferred 'The Moose' to his friends apartment last night after
a rousing badminton match. He's going to be staying there for an
extended period of time, or until he can find a place more suitable
to his needs. We enjoyed having him here and sharing stories from our
respected cultures and spirituality. Yesterday, we attempted a swim
lesson at the beach. He was a trooper, having a go at floating and
the doggie paddle whilst gulping the occasional wave or two. We will
try again on the next beach day.

The next few weeks will be a flurry of conference paper writing and
preparations for the Mannen Visit: Redux. We're going to go out of
town for a few days next weekend to the Hunter Valley with some
friends for wine tasting and general good times. Should be a welcome
distraction to hopefully a productive work week. Weather is inching
up there, reaching a nice 80 degrees yesterday, welcoming Spring to
the Southern Hemisphere. Despite the pessimistic title of this
posting, once we're past a few administrative hurdles, it should
shape up to be a good month.