Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Last we spoke, Peggy was awaiting clearance from the Australian government to stay and be my Sheila for the next few years. With the help of some very kind representatives at both Singapore Air, as well as at Sydney airport, we feel as it will be no worries. She went to the immigration office today, who assured her that it is all good and that her husband will not be returning to bachelor status after her tourist visa runs out. We should be squared away soon.

We arrived in time yesterday to watch a dramatic sunrise over the city skyline. That's one thing (pretty much the only thing) that I have vivid memories of, was the size of sky here. Sunrises, sunsets, inclimate weather all occur on a scale that is hard to imagine.

After a catch-up nap, as the flight from Singapore was horrible, we explored the city in our rented Kia Ocelot (or some obscure animal like that). It was such a strange sense of deja vu, remembering random intersections or restaraunts that I might have stumbled upon almost a decade ago.

In driving around Sydney's coastal communities looking for housing, we realized a few things. First, the waves are huge. Fast and massive. There are many surfers out, the water feels as if it is about 65F, not too bad, but the surf is so intimidating that it will be a few months before we stick our toes in it. Secondly, the rental market is pretty good. We've met some friendly people who have shown us around some beautiful flats and we're optimistic about where we (you) will be able to stay. Certainly more reasonable than the Bay Area, but then again, what isn't.

First day at the University of Sydney went well, the International program is about 500 strong, perhaps 300 or so being Chinese (including one guy who is a dead ringer for William Hung) with the rest smattered from all over. About a dozen 'Mericans, including myself. I'll establish a web account tomorrow and hopefully will start posting a bit more.

No pictures as of yet, still doing the hit-and-run web connection thing.