Saturday, October 22, 2005

Summertime Rolls

We spent an idyllic lazy day at the beach today with our friend, Herr Thomas Hoffmann. They've reshaped the sand a bit this week by having large tractors push sand from the back of the beach forward towards the break. This has made the slope of the sand much more gentle than before. Previously, the waves would hit the severe angle and crash any unsuspecting body surfer hard onto the beach, must have been done for safety reasons.

We're meeting up with our friends Greg and Ellen tonight for some Korean BBQ and possibly a round or two of Roulette at the casino. Ellen brought me three Old Navy boxer shorts from the states, increasing my total supply to about four. Clothes and textiles in general are much cheaper in the states than they are here. We're gearing up for a Halloween bash next weekend with some of our other American friends that should be quite an affair.

No cricket this weekend for Peggy, as the weather threatened but didn't deliver. Her match was called off regardless. She's enrolled in a pottery class, a Spanish class and for a Field Hockey team in the past few weeks. Certainly is a busy bee!

My cousin Mungo has been in and out, moving his ship from Darling Harbor to a different dock at the Rocks. We've enjoyed just being in the presence of such a yacht, getting to chase him down and find out what he's up to. Mungo is living the life of a 21-year old quite well, meeting a lot of similarly young Sydneysiders and stretching his days and nights to the fullest.