Thursday, September 28, 2006

Exploring the Top End

Exploring the Top End

After a quiet night in Darwin, we're all tuckered. The day began with an early morning flight from Perth to the Northern Territory, from which we were all a little worse for the wear.

The Qantas flight had about a dozen children on it, all whom were seemingly out of control. There's nothing like a row of screaming kids on takeoff and landing saying they're going to die and that they're sick. Somebody please call the Northern Territories Youth Discipline Authority. It was a case of social contraception. To compound things, we had some severe turbulence coming into the humid air of Darwin.

Darwin itself is predictibly hot and sticky. We're situated next door to the botanical gardens, which provides a good supply of geckos to oogle. We went to a community market along the esplanade which felt very local. Local artisans were selling their mostly non-imported wares. Peggy bought a funky hippy skirt, I bought a belt buckle, Frank bought two crepes (banana and strawberry, respectively) and Chana bought a toy boat powered by burning vegetable oil. Oh, I also found a massive Australian-sized beer, which I am having trouble finishing. It is a cool bottle, but the purchase was certainly quantity over quality.

Tomorrow is more puttering around the 'top end', as they call it and its' local waterways. We head to a giant Crocodile-shaped hotel at Kakadu the day following.