Sunday, October 01, 2006

Going Upriver

Going Upriver

Another unique experience this morning, taking the crocodile cruise along the Yellow River. We saw a dozen different crocs, in various stages of swimming and basking. One female came directly at Chana, while Agnes, our aboriginal boat driver exclaimed that he's trying to come on board. I don't think Chana appreciated the humor as she leaped away from the edge.

Birds were another highlight as we spotted many different species of stork, tern, eagle, kingfisher and so on. The wetlands reminded me of what I would think Florida looks like, if that makes sense.

We puttered around for an hour with Agnes pointing out birds, mammals and reptiles that an entire tour boat had no chance of spotting. Unlike yesterday, where we were all riveted to what Patsy was saying, the passengers were more concerned with the animals than her stories. As she was discussing the seasons and how it effects her people, someone screeched out, 'Pelican!' and the boat would stand up and grab their cameras. A considerably less immersive experience. As Chana suggested, Kakadu is a fantastic national park, but you wouldn't really get the most out of it unless you took the tours.