Monday, July 18, 2005

Holden Caulfield Has Arrived

Our automotive motivations have proved to be successful and we are the proud new owners of a blue 1992 Holden Commodore. 100% Australian assembly, baby (GM parts).

Oh 1992, the year young Elenor went from TPHS to Berkeley, back when Clinton was still in his intern-hugging prime and Tivo was still just the guy from your local convenience store.

So back to the airport went our Kia Ocelot and away we rolled. Then... the air conditioning stopped working. Then... the radio. But that's OK, we're still cruising fine. Just gotta go back and claim on the warranty 24 hours into ownership.

Apartment hunting has proved to be extremely laborious. It seems that the realtors in this town like to experiment with the minds of potential renters. Like a place? Put in an application, only to have the unit pulled off the market. The owner just wanted to test what kind of demand there was, should he want to sell it. I feel like we're lab rats, at the mercy to be played with by men in white coats.

Another potential landlady said what a great fit we were for a place, then called back to see if we would like to pay $60 more a month because she had so many other interested parties. Meanwhile, Peggy and I are pulling each others hair out over choices we don't even have. Good times. We can't wait to house hunt!

Peggy's mobile is 011 61 413462003, give her a ring! Mine is, corrected, 011 61 413660173. These are codes for all you state-siders (and UK, too!) to dial in.