Thursday, August 11, 2005

Put Your Hands Together For... Parliament!

Now that life has dipped its toe into somewhat more stable waters, we are able to wax philosophical about increasingly minute details, as if the presence (or lack thereof) of Horchata is a vital issue. Here's hoping that the little things help give you a better picture of Australian society as a whole.

Over the past few days, Australian parilament has been broadcast live on the radio. At times, there have been some good catfights (complete with a vocal 'meeee-oow' by one of the senior statesmen) over important issues such as the petrol-sniffing scourge that has affected thousands of Aboriginal youth in central oz. The stuffed shirts start getting all riled up and start grumbling at each other belligerently, followed by PM John Howard banging a gavel (presumed - could be a shoe, not sure) and yelling in thick Aussie, 'Ordah...Ordah!'. But by and large, it is a pretty monotonous experience. Listening to the Ayes vs. the Neahs over what occasion to break for lunch and the specialized merits of Irish Cream Liquer tariffs (at 3% currently) is not very compelling radio. Tear the roof off the sucka.