Wednesday, July 27, 2005

There's No Place Like Home

Last we spoke, we were still simmering from a defeating weekend of flat-finding. But today, the sun has poked from behind the clouds and we've been granted a ray of light. Hallelujah (repeat).

Today we got notice of securing a place in the suburb of Bronte (click for images), a family-oriented, café frequenting, beach-based community. Oh, and there's a surf break -- waves looked pretty tasty today. Cross off number fifty six of the list of eight hundred twenty nine things to do.

We're looking forward to having you stay in the spare bedroom / office / honeymoon suite. Pictures to follow shortly, we move in two weeks. Until then, it is continued purgatory at the Coogee Budget Accomodation. My old stomping grounds, Coogee, memories of varying degrees, but a lovely beach nonetheless.

In political news, we've lost our State Minister (what we know as a Governor), whose been in power for the last decade. Don't know much about the chap, or why he bailed out, but apparently it was a shockah!

Day four of the Chip Moratorium project is going well, we're finding that the varied cuisine is a good thing for our diet. At the conclusion of our week of abstinence, we'll look up the best Fish and Chippahs in Sydney and fall of the wagon big time.

We're not going to post our address on this blog, but email either Peggy or myself and we'll pass on the details on to you.