Friday, July 22, 2005

A Second Wind

There's nothing to cure the doldrums of a rejected application than a great home tour or two. We've seen three very good places all in our desired neighborhood. If our odds hold up, we'd get at least one of those three.

There has been a rash of what is called, "concrete cancer" in some of the places we've looked at. This causes some of the bricks holding up the building to disintigrate and 'poof' there goes your sun porch. We've yet to do extensive research, but it has made some fantastic properties unrentable.

Not sure how one's building contracts concrete cancer, presumably by being diagnosed by a Structural Oncologist. We're told that concrete cancer might develop if the masonry workers are heavy cigarette smokers, or perhaps too much red meat is mixed in with the compound solution. As someone who's had a bit of cancer (not of the concrete kind), I've got license to make jokes of this poor taste.

Our tourist jaunt to the Star City casino last night was ho-hum. Nothing special at all about it at all, it felt very mechanized and cold. If you ever get a chance to visit the casino in Montreal, it is much more unique and engaging.