Saturday, March 04, 2006

Are you there Blog? It's me, Nicholas.

A lukewarm day here in the city of Sydney. Peggy and I were at our respected bat-and-ball type activities, her at 'the Cricky' and me at baseball tryouts. Given that her activity lasts for eight hours whereas mine a quick two, I had some free time on my hands to go and check out the Mardi Gras celebration. I came home from baseball and washed the icy hot / tiger balm off my left wing, which has borne the weight of my recent athletic endeavors, and jumped in the cool Pacific for a quick swim. Waves are pretty powerful this weekend but the water felt so clean and good. Like a salty seltzer bath.

Then, with my one mission to photograph the Sydney festivities for all of my (two) faithful blog readers, I headed out on the town. Camera? Check. Lenses? Check. Camera battery? Whoops. So, instead I spent four hours bumming around the central business district with a large camera bag and no juice. Turns out, parade didn't start until dusk anyhoo and I just was milling around the pre-parade logistics. I've posted a photo of Liberace (way to shave the legs, Libby!) for those of you whom were expecting a thorough documentation of the homo-spectaculars. You can also probably find a slideshow at Sydney Morning Herald or our friend Paul Murphy's blog.

I've taken steps to try to set-up 'mobile photo blogging', for those opportune occasions where I would happen to say something funny during dinner and make a noodle come out of Peggy's nose. Gotta be prepared for that. We'll also try to do better than just the random, once a week postings - promise. Together, we can work through this lull.

Last night we got duped again in trying a Mexican food restaurant, thinking it would satisfy our fix. WE'VE GOT TO STOP DOING THIS. This one was, Cucina Newton and way too overpriced. The Margaritas were so-so, but at 10 dollars or so for a cocktail, you want the juice freshly squeezed and those corn chips better not be from a bag, amigos. So, the laments continue for the Austrexican experiment. Only 17 short weeks until we can drown ourselves in a glutton of pinto and pistole. I am going to experiment to see how many burritos I can cram into my mouth over the course of a twenty-four hour period. My guess? One hundred and eighteen.