Sunday, May 07, 2006

I Just Called... To Say... Fizzzzth!

When trying to baby-proof the apartment tonight, I accidently fried our telephone. Turns out, the plug for the modem is the same size as the phone, but the voltage is a bit different. In getting them confused and switching one for the other, the ol' landline went bye-bye. Good news is that the modem was spared the same fate.

So, that's two electronic devices that have gone the way of kentucky fried circuit board. First the imported Laser Printer and now wireless phone. Never to miss out on a shopportunity, there is a shop in Balmain that has some cool antiques, including one of those black Bell deskphones from the Perry Mason movies. At first glance, the shop didn't look like the type that would charge too much for such a classic item.

As a result, if you were planning on calling (hint-hint), you might want to try our respected mobile phones as they're still on the up. Internet still works great, though, so keep them emails coming. That will be all.