Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Rise of Starbuck

The Rise of Starbuck

A disturbing trend has occurred in the past six months. Quaint, quirky family-owned shops, having been there for years, are now being replaced by the familiar green and white of Starbucks. Up until this point, Sydney was notably free of this frothed scourge of franchism, yet something tipped the scale and now they're everywhere.

It wouldn't be so bad if I still drank coffee, they brew a good cup and are consistent with their quality. Now, I see them as a harbringer of temptation lying around every corner. I am sure it is old hat by now, but Aussies have their own unique code for their coffee drinks, determining by code words such as flat white, long/short black and other cryptic metaphors. Maybe Starbucks will help bring the cuppa Joe back.