Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A Day at the Beach

This morning our good friend, Father Mike Russo, joined me for a scrumptious breakfast and coastal walk up to Bondi Beach. Father Mike, being of Italian origin, is a self-proclaimed beach afficionado. So, I carefully crafted the characteristics of each shoreline as we strolled from Bronte to Tamarama to Bondi. Due to his Mediterranian heritage, he immediately began to turn a dark shade of brown when exposed to direct sunlight. Thankfully, the Reverend has not adopted the very European tradition of wearing the oft-seen Speedos in warm weather.

The highlight of the walk was his description of a painting that he has over his desk of Bondi Beach, how much he enjoyed gazing over the gorgeous aqua-marine colours. We began to round the bend at the cliff's head when Bondi was laid out in front of us, a similar perspective to the one he had been imagining all these years.

The weather these days is a bit perplexing, nice and warm during the day when the sun is out, but certainly a chill at night time. Water temperature is about 70 F, but absolutely still as can be. This results in an extremely clear and vibrant surf, many people were doing their long distance swimming along the coast today. From the cliffs above, one could see the ocean bottom and fishes quite easily.