Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I am. Everyday People.

There is starting to be some good karma between the city of Sydney and the Cawthons. We're getting into a real groove about our place in this city, finding our way around well, no speeding or parking tickets, finding interesting boroughs and districts to poke our heads into. Starting to feel like home.

We had an interesting weekend, having run into a half-dozen people that we knew randomly around town. Those kind of encounters make one feel as if they're a part of a community. Sydney is by no means a large city when compared to the metropolises of the U.S., but it can be a bit daunting when you're a fish out of water. Now, we're not so fishy.

Visitors number 9-10-11 will be going through their purgatory at the International departures terminal in LAX soon. Cute baby pictures with furry animals will be forthcoming. We've also got a much revered family friend in town this week for a wedding, giving us further opportunities for playing tour guide and restaurant critic.