Monday, March 20, 2006

A Cyclone of Snot

Australia is in news again this week, this time because of Cyclone Larry. The last time CNN gave front page press to Australia, the Cronulla riots were making waves. This time, Larry is making waves up north in Queensland. 100mph winds, flooding, bananas being strewn about everywhere. General chaos abound. We're looking forward to our trip up there in a few months time, it should have the smell of fresh rain.

Here in Sydney, we've had quite bad allegries as of late. The air conditioner in our laboratory torments me on a daily basis at the University, spewing out cold, dusty air. I'm convinced that it hasn't been cleaned since manufacture. There are trails of tissue that follow us wherever we go - in our bedroom, in our car, at our desks, on the couch. We're vulnerable to sneeze fits of five or ten in rapid succession. Not sure what is causing this, as were into early Fall, not the Spring. Pollen, dust, sand are all suspect.