Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A Queen for us Commoners

The Queen (Elizabeth II, not Amadala) is in town this week for the opening ceremonies of the Commonwealth Games, held in Melbourne over the next few weeks. If you thought that the Olympics had a hard time drawing a crowd, the Commonwealths fall somewhere in between the Goodwill games and the three legged sack race at the county fair. Peggy is amped about Field Hockey, I'm excited about the Lawn Bowling competition - I'm convinced it is going to be the sport of which I'll spend the next few decades dominating. Sri Lanka is also due to make a run at the badminton crown this year. If we had a television we'd be glued to it.

They've postponed the reverting of Daylight savings back to standard time for the two weeks while the games are on. I'm all for that, two more weeks of summer and late daylight. I've never been much of a morning person anyway. Carry on, my minions and God Save the Queen.