Saturday, May 13, 2006

Lagged Insomnia

Kate, Thad and Will blew into town yesterday morning and have turned down under upside down. We're somewhat reeling from Will trying to adjust to the new time zones, strange place and new sensations. Their timezone is now our time zone and vice versa. The house and its occupants are a bit shell-shocked, in a word.

Last night was a bit of a blur. I am gifted (or cursed) with poor hearing, allowing muting of various screams and yowls. From what I hear (rather didn't hear) there were apparent wake ups at 1:30am and 4:30am. We're all operating with a low level headache this morning, Will included. If you know of any available 5-year olds, Peggy and I are looking to adopt and skip over this whole child-rearing thing.

I've yet to understand the mindset of this young one. At his best, Will points at stuff and says, "Oooo". We find that very amusing. He swings from being mildly entertained by things such as daddy making motorboat noises, to temperamental and screaming with no logical reasoning. Then, in a blink of an eye, its back to cuteness again with no predictability. I don't get babies.